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Unifor Education


Please take a look at the enclosed schedule. We have modified some offerings and added others as a response to input from locals and through feedback from our Area Course Planning meetings.

As was discussed this is still in draft form and represents course offerings being offered starting Sept 2019- to end of June 2020. We whole heartedly encourage your feedback.

If there are still changes or courses you would like to see added please let us know and we can adjust the schedule. Also keep in mind we are always open for local union requests if you have members that need training and you have at least 15 members we can arrange a class with 4 weeks’ notice. If you have less than 15 we can help recruit participants but would need at least 8 weeks’ notice prior to the scheduled class.

We also want to let you know we heard all the very important feedback regarding the on line registration process. This was most valuable and to that end we have decided to change platforms and modify this process to a much easier user friendly experienced.

We will communicate more details about this process after we have secured a new platform and design a relaunch. We will fully support you through this effort. The current on line platform will continue in place until a new one has launched. Again we continue to invite feedback so we can ensure we meet the needs of our members and the local unions.

Following the feedback period from circulating this draft we will be releasing this schedule in early June to allow locals to begin to plan and recruit participants for the fall schedule and beyond. We thank you for this opportunity to work with us and providing world class education for our members.

In Solidarity,

Bob Van Cleef 

National Representative

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